Chickens eating prickly pear *

Chickens eating prickly pear.
Prickly pears are an easy food supply for many birds.
The  prickly pears are also a very taste snack for humans.

Prickly pears grow abundantly in Malta and are an easy food supply for many birds. The  prickly pears are also a very taste snack for humans.

Prickly Pears  Bajtar tax-xewk grow all over the Maltese islands.

Opuntia - Prickly Pears - Tuna cactus
Malta has an abundance of Prickly pear plants which never seem to stop growing and bearing fruit. The fruit is ripe in the summer and many people eat this fruit.

For more posts about Malta please visit il-Manikata.

All about Cactus and succulents


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